Born in 1975, Iris de Moüy is an artist who draws, paints and writes. Mostly working on paper, de Moüy's open and spontaneous style expresses an array of emotions with ink, gouache and oil painting. She sometimes tells stories with short animated films, bringing her whimsical drawings to life. Through all her work, she creates a distinctive world of her own, informed by both the mundane and the magic.
Iris de Moüy lives and works in Paris. She makes children’s books (L’école des Loisirs, Gallimard Jeunesse, Hélium) and artists books (Chose Commune, 0fr). She also presents works in galleries (Mayaro) and art bookstores (Yvon Lambert), and in 2015 was artist in residence at Villa Kujoyama (Kyoto, Japan). de Moüy welcomes the opportunity to collaborate on bespoke projects with clients and brands from various backgrounds.